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Thursday 23 February 2017


NASA revealed seven Earth-Sized planets around a single star and this is the first time that scientists were able to find out bunch of Earth-Sized planets located in the habitable zone. NASA used its Spitzer Space Telescope which is a infrared space telescope to find out these Exoplanets.

This system of planets are relatively close us, just about 40 light years (235 trillion miles) in constellation "Aquarius". Scientist named this system of planet as "TRAPPIST-1" (Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope).

Scientists have collected data from Spitzer to measure the size of the planets and then estimated there mass and density. Based on this analysis they estimated that planets are more likely to be rocky. The seventh planet's mass has not been calculated but it is considered to be icy. So there is high possibility that these planets may have water which sustains life. More research have to be done to confirm any life on those planets though.

Check out this video for more information Exoplanets

What do you think guys, please comment. 

Saturday 18 February 2017

How much a fish eggs can cost?

Hey guys have you ever imagine how much a fish egg can cost?

The fish that you are looking at is a Sturgeon Fish. There are total 23 species of Sturgeon fish, they are distant relative of sharks, but they are not famous for being a distant relative of sharks. They are famous for their eggs "Caviar".

Caviar is salt cured fish eggs of Acipenseridae family. Beluga Sturgeon delivers the costliest caviar. One kilogram of caviar can cost upto ~ $6600. The amount of caviar (eggs) is directly proportional to their size. Like if female is 6 feet and weighs 90 kg can produce 5-15 kg of caviar and a beluga (largest sturgeon fish) of 14 ft and weighing 996 kg can produce 120 kg of caviar.

Now there is another type of caviar which is made from Albino fish eggs, laced with 22-carat gold and it costs nearly $248240 per kilogram.

Take a look at how  Gordon Ramsay extract caviar from a sturgeon fish.


Friday 6 January 2017

Honda launches a bike that balances and follows you on its own

Those days are not far when gadgets of futuristic movies are researched and built. Let it be Star Wars' light saber, Tron's legacy light bike and Batman's Bat mobile, All of them have been made into reality.So did the self-balancing bike from Honda.

                                                                                Honda has come up with a self-balancing bike which can even ride itself. The catch here is it doesn't use a heavy gyroscope, Instead uses Honda's new Honda riding assist technology which is derived from Asimo robot. Steer by wire system helps the bike to steer electronically and it disengages the manual steering when the speed is less than 3mph. The system senses swings and lean angles at thousand times per second to counteract any chances of tipping. It can also lower the center of gravity to improve stability by lowering the angle of the fork. Woah! Isn't the bike cool? 

                                                      But the question is who would want to spoil the experience of riding the bike by automating everything. Honda's representative says this technology will only be viable for older people who just want to relax and let it go. More or less like auto-transmission tech in the car. Well, we hate auto transmission too. 

Saturday 24 December 2016

4 Awesome Gaming Technology that gonna blow your mind

Gaming technology has been evolved highly over the years from Bertie the Brain to Call of Duty. But these technologies are going are going to be more superior in near future. Here I have listed 4 amazing Gaming technologies, so check it out.

#1) Holo Lens

Microsoft Holo lens is nothing but Holography, so you can easily create up the holograms with your mind imagination. It has a self-contained holographic computer enabling you to engage with your digital content and interact with holograms in the world around you. It has multiple sensors, advanced optics and a custom holographic processing unit which enables you to see beyond the screen.   

Things you can do with Holo Lens

- Mixed Reality

  In Mixed Reality you can merge both physical and virtual worlds in a blended environment that becomes your canvas. For example lets say you are in your office (cabin) and like in all office cabin you got a table, chair, desktop etc. But using Halo Lens you can add a virtual screen like Tony Stark did in IRONMAN or you can have your virtual assistant like JARVIS.

- Enhancing Real World

You can actually use Halo Lens for your work also like if you want to design a car, a bike etc anything you name it. Its like a 3D Computer Aided Design (just like Tony Stark in Iron-Man).

- Explore Place

Halo lens is something like upgraded version of VR, but with an added feature like you can add your imagination to what you are seeing. Incredible isn't it!

- Gaming

Gaming is something where this amazing invention can be used widely. I mean like imagine playing Minecraft using holographic models in your living room. 

The use of Halo Lens is itself unimaginable.

#2)  Tesla Suit

       The feel of playing VR games enhanced by this Tesla Suit. This suit has sensors and haptic feedback abilities which enables you to interact with the virtual environment and also to feel it. The technology used in Tesla Suit is called Electro Muscular Stimulation in which sensations in the skin are generated through tiny electric pulses. 
You can feel the warm breeze of summer's day to the sudden impact of the bullet. Tesla Suit is completely wireless with existing virtual reality headsets such as Oculus, Google Glass and META Space Glasses, as well as game consoles PSP, Xbox, PCs and smartphones.

#3) VOID

VOID (Vision of Infinite Dimensions) is something you can HYPER-REALITY. This technology allow player to explore miles of terrain or tall structures without ever leaving game pod. The cool thing is that VOID signing a deal with National Geographic through which a players or user can go to the depths of the ocean, can go to Atlantis and see crazy creatures at the bottom of the ocean.

#4) Araig Gaming Suit

Araig Gaming Suit is really amazing and the kind of sensory feedback it got, you can't find it anywhere. The Audio (surround sound) feedback comes from the suit itself so every time to move it follows (surround sound). The second feedback is vibrations system which covers torso and upper arms. The last feedback system STIMS, where you hook diodes up to your muscles and little stimulation cause your muscles to contract and relax automatically. This system will provide more sophisticated feelings.

Share your opinion guys.

Sunday 18 December 2016

Why Indians shouldn't be against foreign companies

Since the inception of startup league, many tech giants have grown multiple folds. This emerging culture and growth did not stop in spite of tough fight from foreign firms. Flourishing the country with varied entrepreneurs in product and service based industries, giants like Flipkart, Ola, Housing, Grophers and Swiggy are struggling hard to compete with their foreign competitors. All of us are under the impression that Uber should be banned from India to help domestic industries grow like China. But we are not close to reality if we are thinking in that way and also not fair.

                                                         Over a couple of months, Twitter was fanned by the debate of nationalism. Yes! you might be wondering how this is related at all. According to the source, people are against Uber and Amazon as they are foreign companies with big fat wallets and they should be banned to help domestic companies. But people are missing the most important fact here. Ola and Flipkart have got so much investment from foreign investors that major chunk of its share belongs to non-Indians. To add to this, The CEO of a company is an employee. He can be fired any moment like Rahul Yadav of Housing.com. By that logic, Innovation should be given priority rather than nationalism. 
                     Recently, Travis Kalanick (CEO of Uber) took jibe at Ola's Bhavish Aggarwal remark that the Indian government should favor local companies. 

Saturday 17 December 2016

NASA's Global View of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen Dioxide

NASA recently released the Global View of CO2 and its pretty amazing. NASA has been tracking air pollution levels over the last decade in around 195 cities. The results are pretty amazing too, I mean the air quality has been improved in United States, Europe and Japan because of emission control regulations. But in middle East region pollution levels are high.

Bryan Duncan, an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, led the research. His team made the observation from 2005-14 using Ozone Monitoring Instrument aboard NASA's Aura satellite.

United States and Europe are among the largest emitters of Nitrogen Dioxide but showed dramatic reduction in the Nitrogen Dioxide emission. United States showed 20% - 50% reduction in emission and Western Europe reduced NO2 emission upto 50%. And China did exactly opposite to what Western Countries did, there is a increase in NO2 emission up to 50%.

 United States shows the large decreases in nitrogen dioxide

East Asia shows the change in nitrogen dioxide 

Middle East shows the change in nitrogen dioxide concentrations

Concentration of NO2 in the troposphere

Check out this videos of NASA's Global View of CO2,

Now check out video of NASA's Global View of NO2,

Please share your views.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Say hi to deep learning technology which eliminates long queues in supermarkets

Are you among the people who gets frustrated while standing in a long billing queue? Its always been a big challenge to the world to avoid the queues in the supermarkets. In spite of being in the online retailing space, Amazon introduced a grocery store called "Amazon Go" in Seattle.
                                              Amazon go uses "RDIF" technology to detect when a shopper takes an item from the shelf.The system senses it is going away from the shelf and adds the billing to the Amazon go app. It's came to our notice that they are also using shopper's past history of purchase to predict the choice of products they are gonna guy.It's also using a fusion sensor, which brig together data from different sensors to increase reliability and accuracy of the results. 

The concept is simple you just have to check in to the store with amazon app and that's it, you are free to grab any items in the store and walk out.For now, only Amazon employees can shop in the 1,800-square-foot store, which is on the ground floor of one of the company’s new office towers in downtown Seattle. The company said that it planned to open the store to the public early next year and that it would offer chef-made meal kits with ingredients for quickly preparing dinners at home.



Sunday 4 December 2016

We have reasons to make you buy Google home

Most of us are making ourselves satisfied by buying 5 inch Android smartphones(oops or Apple) every year. But have you ever thought of investing on awesome gadgets which are penetrating the Artificial intelligence space? NO! Because people are still not aware of it's potential.

"A smart speaker which speaks to you" is the definition dumped in our mind. What if I tell you that it can stream music from several media sites,control your smart home just by your commands, Search Google, get a personalised daily briefing, check traffic, check your calendar, make a shopping list, check flight status, track a package and what not.                                                                               

     There are other rivals in the market such as Amazon's Echo but Google Home has built the device with utmost care and its the clear winner in the market. You can grab this for just 100$ this week.                                                                        


Take a look at Amazon's snow-mobile service

Amazon web services took a big leap this year.Moving exabytes of film vaults,financial records,satellite imagery or scientific data across data centres will take decades for any data management services but Amazon has come up with an innovative approach.

The Snowmobile is a 5 feet long, 9.6 feet high, and 8 feet wide sturdy,water- proof and climate controlled truck. It can be parked near your data center and they can escort your data networking storage devices with security with utmost care. The whole point of such kind of services is to make you come and use AWS services.We believe this move is going to grow their highest revenue earning sector to next heights.

 Right now Amazon web service or company's cloud computing arm is growing at 64% year over year. This service is bigger than the mainstream retail business.


Sunday 27 November 2016

"SKEYE Nano 2 FPV" World's Smallest Camera Drone

The selfie trend goes to a new level, now you can take selfie without using selfie stick. SKEYE Nano 2 FPV is considered to be the world's smallest camera drone. This drone is 4 cm wide and weighs only 17 grams. Nano 2 has its own compact and ergonomic controller with adjustable gyro sensitivity and 6-axis flight control system.
Nano 2 can be controlled via app on iPhone, iPad or android devices (through WiFi) and it can be controlled within 50 meters range.

Check this video of "SKEYE Nano 2 FPV"

You can buy this at https://www.trndlabs.com/product/skeye-nano-2-fpv/

How to choose a perfect smartphone for yourself

How much ever you search on the internet and ask friends about a good phone, Still you will be in a big dilemma to decide upon a phone. We went through the same phase and we are here to assist you.

We will not go deep into the reasons. I am sure you will be able to understand though our reasons are cliches.

1. Battery life

What's the use of a high-powered Snapdragon 821 smartphone if it can't last for a day. Just imagine your state when your phone is out of charge in a trek.

2. Screen size

Bigger it is, harder to fit in your pocket. smaller it is, harder to watch AIB videos.

3. Think about the word "long term"

Customers are always lured by marketing strategies of smartphone companies. Be it Apple or Xiaomi, They know what they are doing. Always try to choose a phone that is physically reliable and sturdy. Prioritize the specifications according to your needs. I am sure we don't need 16-Megapixel camera in front to capture your big face.

4. Android Updates

One company,One phone. We believe if a brand has few phone lineups then you will have frequent updates.The fact is it takes a lot of efforts to build a stable android version for a specific phone and it differs based on the specification i.e A snapdragon 801 chipset phone's Android software would not be compatible with intel atom chipset smartphone though they have same specifications. Samsung J7 will hardly ever have an update compared to One plus one.

5. Aftermarket support

Lower is the cost,Higher would be the maintenance charge. Choose a smartphone which has a good aftermarket support in India. There are smartphone brands which don't even have a customer support center to resolve any problem. Companies try to earn by charging you high for any trivial problems and damage. Invest early,gain later! like Samsung.

Have any questions? Please post in the comments section. We would love to hear from you.


Saturday 26 November 2016

US NAVY trained Dolphins & Sea Lions to detect mines.

Well we all know that dogs have been used to detect land mines, IEDs etc. But ever wonder even sea mammals can be used for mine detection in sea. Yeah you heard it right, US Navy trained Dolphins and sea lions to detect mines under water. Dolphin used in US Navy were divided into groups each group is dedicated to different task like:

Mine hunting:
MK 4 uses dolphins to detect and mark the location of tethered sea mines floating off the bottom, while MK 7 dolphins are trained to detect and mark the location of mines on the sea floor or buried in sediment. The MK 8 team is trained to swiftly identify safe corridors for the initial landing of troops ashore.

Mine-clearance dolphins were deployed to the Persian Gulf during the Iraq War in 2003. The Navy said these dolphins were effective in helping to detect more than 100 antiship mines and underwater booby traps from the port of Umm Qasr.

Force protection:
MK 6 uses dolphins and sea lions as sentries to protect harbor installations and ships against unauthorized human swimmers.

When an enemy diver is detected by a dolphin, the dolphin approaches from behind and bumps a device into the back of the enemy's air tank. This device is attached to a buoy which then explodes, alerting the Navy personnel of the intruder. Sea lions carry a similar device in their mouth, but instead attach it by hand-cuffing one of the enemy's limbs. The animals depend on their superior underwater senses and swimming ability to defend against counterattacks.

Object recovery:
MK 5 is dedicated to the recovery of test equipment that is fired from ships or dropped from planes into the ocean; the team uses California Sea Lions to locate and attach recovery hardware to underwater objects such as practice mines.

But the good thing is that US Navy never trained dolphins for attack missions, here check out video of US Navy training dolphins.

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Say hi to deep learning technology which eliminates long queues in supermarkets

Are you among the people who gets frustrated while standing in a long billing queue? Its always been a big challenge to the world to avoi...